I have a horrible memory. So I'm going to process some of what I'm learning here so that I don't forget it, okay? Thanks!
The instructor notes 3 questions a teacher must address: 1) Where are we going? (clarify the goal), 2) Where are we now? (in reference to the goal), and 3) What next?
Those three questions tie in with what I've been reading in CAFE about reading conferences! So let me process this...
Where going: If my subject is reading, I have 4 levels of reading that we are trying to achieve - comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary. The goal? To enjoy reading and understand what we are reading.
Where now: Following CAFE, I teach and model reading strategies to the whole group. Then, as I meet with individual students, I discuss with them where they need to improve.
What next: Together we choose a strategy for them to try out on their own (after further modeling). I allow them to have a day or so to practice the strategy on their own time before meeting with them again to see if it's helping them reach the immediate goal (e.g. better fluency).
The Coursera instructor also notes from Hattie & Timperley 4 levels of feedback.
Task: feedback about how to do it
Process: feedback about if they are using the right and best process skill (still haven't quite figured out exactly the difference between process and strategy)
Self-Regulation: feedback that helps them think about which strategy they are using and which strategy would be the best one for this situation (thinking about your thinking)
Self: feedback that lets the students know where they are in reference to the goal (not just generic praise or condemnation, but feedback that truly helps a student head towards the goal)
I really want to improve in teaching self-regulation/reflection/assessment.
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